Saturday, August 16, 2008

After a long, hard day Sophie was a little
thirsty. I guess when she couldn't find
her juice cup, she just decided to drink
right out of the bottle!
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Daddy Time!

Sophie loves to read with Daddy!!
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Sophie's point of view!!
Sophie got my camera & decided to take a few
photos for herself. I suppose she wanted a taste
of what it's like to be on the other side of the camera.
Behold her fine work!

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To celebrate our 14th anniversary, Matt had
planned a nice little get-away for the two of us.
However, this was the same day that I had the car accident.
We had already made plans for the kids that evening,
so once they were all settled we decided to go ahead with his plans.
We had reservations at Ruth's Chris Steak House and a room
at the Embassy Suites!! I really needed a night out after the day I had!!
Isn't he the best?!
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As most of you already know, I had a wreck on Friday, August 8th.
The kids were with me, but we were very blessed and no one was injured!

Needless to say, the van was a total loss.
Stay tuned next week for the revealing of our new van!!!!
It's being delivered on Wednesday or Thursday!!
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Ahhhh....the first day of school! August 6, 2008
Will has Ms. Adams for 2nd Grade.
As you can see, they had no trouble bonding!
(He's known her for 2 years!)
Alex has Mrs. Trainer for 1st Grade.
She was Will's teacher last year & she's wonderful!
Ava, Alex & Breana
Alex was also lucky enough to be with
her two best friends again this year!
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Gran & Papaw came to visit before school started back.
They girls had an art session with Gran.

As you can see, art is a very intense activity.
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Before leaving the Paradise Cafe, we just couldn't refuse this photo op!
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At the conference on Saturday, Beth made mention
of a restaurant she had visited on Friday....Lynn's Paradise Cafe.
Well, we figured if it was good for Beth Moore, it was good for us!
Check out these hats!
(Beth did the same thing while she was there.
It's just what you do while you wait!!)

Aren't we lovely?!

We had the BEST time this weekend!
It was a much-needed get-away for both of us!
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My dear, sweet friend, Saundra & I went to Lousiville, KY
on August 1-2 for Beth Moore's Living Proof Live Event!!
This is the "lobby" of the church!! It was huge!!
We got to sit on the 4th row in the center!
For any of you who are familiar with Beth Moore,
you know that she never stands still long enough to
let you get a good photo. So, I settled for a group shot....
Travis Cottrell & his praise team along with Beth.
Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky
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Charlie & Jon Thomas Spears
J.T. was determined to have his photo
taken in the back of the moving van.
Sophie & Charlie
Future couple??? Aren't they precious?!
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On July 31st we gathered at the home of
Jason & Wendy Lawler for a farewell dinner
for The Spears. We had a great turnout
and it was so nice to spend some quality time
with Jonathan & Carrie, without all of our kids!

The Hosts: Jason & Wendy
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We've known for quite some time that
our Sunday School leaders,
Jonathan & Carrie Spears were going
to be leaving for seminary in preparation
for the foreign mission field. Time passed
much too quickly & we had to say goodbye
at the end of July.

Their oldest son, John Thomas, gently
reminded me that I had promised him a
sleepover before he left. So, with just a few
days to spare, I was finally able to fulfill
that promise. We played on the Wii, had
popcorn, watched movies, & even played
dress-up. (I have chosen to take mercy on
Jonathan and NOT include the dress-up photos.)

I think one of the highlights was swimming!
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It's not too often that I get my picture taken with my babies!
Melissa was kind enough to snap this one of me with Sophie.
I just LOVE it! What a precious baby girl!
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